Friday, January 21, 2022


Friday rolls  around in the blink of an eye.

Clergy meeting yesterday, 5 hours, no break, water handed out midway.

The one topic that jarred me was the topic from the bishop about self care. like annual physicals, to buying health insurance  for self and family (health insurance is a option here), money to assist with school fees for their children, financial support for clergy wives to have continuing education,  It reminded me that in Canada we do not hesitate to go to the doctor  because of finances, and schools are accessible regardless. Organizational structure here is in the beginning stages of development.  We had a topic of  Appropriate Moral behaviour   which brings to mind the Sexual Misconduct sessions that are held  Canada..    Many parishes do not pay their Allotment to the diocese but there is no consequence if they are in arrears. Churches work very hard here to stay viable and do mission work. Life for most folks is a struggle to meet their basic needs let alone get ahead. Everyone has dreams so they keep plodding on.  I am very blessed  to have been born in Canada.


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