Saturday, January 1, 2022


 Well another year with Covid under our belt. Whether that is good or bad is up to you. For me it was long staying in so much, but it was good in that I got to travel. 

So NY Eve the cathedral was full, from babes in arms to the seniors who sat when needed. It felt like a huge family gathering, time for anyone to come up and sing, time to dance, 


time for prayer and meditation, time for wishes and advice for the new year, around 11pm a  time when 3 policemen came and were welcomed in. Why you ask were they there? I asked the same question: was this a normal thing, Precentor says no. That is the hospitality here, they will welcome anyone who comes to the door with no questions asked. one policeman got up to make two points speech on safety. first not leaving your belonging alone when up dancing as thieves come in on a night such as this and take your money and phones before you even know they are gone  and the second point was to go hone in groups so as to not be attacked.  The bishop then gave them a blessing and off they went, waving while the congregation cheered. I will admit it was a first for me/

and then a time to just wait, wait for the clock to tick down to 12 

and then a time to celebrate the Eucharist in the New Year 2022.

I wish everyone a healthy and blessed 2022!

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