Sunday, January 16, 2022


 I thought that my kitchen cupboards could be freshened up as the ones I moved from Sunyani were chipped. Last week I got a gallon of white paint, It had a plastic tie that was a challenge to get off, then the lid was the second challenge. The paint is like thick Greek yogurt that did not spread nicely. 

So I am wondering,  is this normal, is this gone bad because of the heat or it is old? I tried to paint with it but it drags instead of flowing off the paint brush. I stopped until I could ask all my questions, Bishop's son came to the door so instead of saying hello, I asked is paint here thick like jello? He came into the kitchen to look but had no idea what paint is supposed to look like. I had a moment when I realized and remembered that only painters do painting, no of the house, like no owners or renters except the carpenter hammers nails so no one else even has a hammer (I do, thank you Susan). So he would get the painter to come to see me on Monday, ok.

Not an hour later he was back with the painter. Yes paint looks like that here. Everyone dilutes it turps. (now I know why the paint coat looks so thin whether on the walls or shelves).  

Ok then I will paint after church on Sunday. 

I did, looks terrible, like thick pudding, not going on even, so looks like <<<<. so stop again. will try to get help in getting the paint to a stage that I can use it. This is living in Ghana, a very easy chore in Canada I could have had all cupboards painted by now, has one side of one cupboard painted and looks awful and no more done yet. I will brave on tomorrow in trying to get this resolved.  to be continued...

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