Monday, January 31, 2022


 I am trying to receive some money from a friend in Israel for the past two weeks. When money is sent Internationally there needs to be an id number for the receiving bank called a Swift Code. The Israeli  bank is saying it is incorrect, my bank advisor in Toronto says its right. So what is going on? I wondered last Friday whether the Swift code is inputted incorrectly. The actually code is CIBCCATT and I wonder if the letter I is inputted as the number 1. So the depositor is going to the bank today to ask. Oh my goodness getting systems to work can be a lot of work from country to country/ I know this is a very first world issue.

I am thinking of the cottage

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Garbage Disposal outside the house


TV replaced

 I bought my first tv 10 years ago and the off/on switch was in for repairs 3x. so replaced with 32 in flat screen and gave the other away. It will probably go on and on is one knows how to cope with the off/on switch which gave me grief. I am watching Jimmy Swaggart. He has a very interesting presentation. The music is quite compelling.

Thursday, January 27, 2022


 I was waiting for my turn at the ATM yesterday and notice the goats munching on the hedge at the edge of the Bank's parking lot. Nothing is fenced and nothing is off limits it seems. Enjoy dear goats!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

a community visit

 I went with Michael to a community meeting of a microfinance association. It was their end of year mtg. which according to their rules it is the time that all the savings accrued are given back to the donors and  the interest that had been gathered from loans through out the year  was divided equally and distributed as well. the total interest amounted to over 12,000 Ghana cedis. This is a struggling agricultural community where this amount of money would be unheard of to have at one time. So individually each received the 600 Ghana they had saved and an additional 350 Ghana from the interest. (Exchange rate  is 4.9 Ghana to $1.00 Canadian). eg of costs: school fees for one term are 200 Ghana, rent for a one room apt could be 2000 Ghana for 3 years and they pay for three years rent up front. This was a very successful year for them and everyone was excited and celebrating. The administrator at the main office had donated polo shirts with the association logo for everyone so they were distributed as well. It was like Christmas in January!!!!!!

The mtg. was held in a mosque with many sitting on the floor. Yes I had a chair..



COMMUNITY - mainly Moslem

COCOA BEANS BEING DRIED - their main source of income

The leadership et moi


Kids at the window behind me.....  watching the mtg.

Friday, January 21, 2022


Friday rolls  around in the blink of an eye.

Clergy meeting yesterday, 5 hours, no break, water handed out midway.

The one topic that jarred me was the topic from the bishop about self care. like annual physicals, to buying health insurance  for self and family (health insurance is a option here), money to assist with school fees for their children, financial support for clergy wives to have continuing education,  It reminded me that in Canada we do not hesitate to go to the doctor  because of finances, and schools are accessible regardless. Organizational structure here is in the beginning stages of development.  We had a topic of  Appropriate Moral behaviour   which brings to mind the Sexual Misconduct sessions that are held  Canada..    Many parishes do not pay their Allotment to the diocese but there is no consequence if they are in arrears. Churches work very hard here to stay viable and do mission work. Life for most folks is a struggle to meet their basic needs let alone get ahead. Everyone has dreams so they keep plodding on.  I am very blessed  to have been born in Canada.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Painting continues

 well, can not connect with the painter so I wait to see how to thin the paint ......😞  zzzzzzzz

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 I thought that my kitchen cupboards could be freshened up as the ones I moved from Sunyani were chipped. Last week I got a gallon of white paint, It had a plastic tie that was a challenge to get off, then the lid was the second challenge. The paint is like thick Greek yogurt that did not spread nicely. 

So I am wondering,  is this normal, is this gone bad because of the heat or it is old? I tried to paint with it but it drags instead of flowing off the paint brush. I stopped until I could ask all my questions, Bishop's son came to the door so instead of saying hello, I asked is paint here thick like jello? He came into the kitchen to look but had no idea what paint is supposed to look like. I had a moment when I realized and remembered that only painters do painting, no of the house, like no owners or renters except the carpenter hammers nails so no one else even has a hammer (I do, thank you Susan). So he would get the painter to come to see me on Monday, ok.

Not an hour later he was back with the painter. Yes paint looks like that here. Everyone dilutes it turps. (now I know why the paint coat looks so thin whether on the walls or shelves).  

Ok then I will paint after church on Sunday. 

I did, looks terrible, like thick pudding, not going on even, so looks like <<<<. so stop again. will try to get help in getting the paint to a stage that I can use it. This is living in Ghana, a very easy chore in Canada I could have had all cupboards painted by now, has one side of one cupboard painted and looks awful and no more done yet. I will brave on tomorrow in trying to get this resolved.  to be continued...

Thursday, January 13, 2022


 This is Ebenezer Jr. Born November 30. (a little early\as he was due in January) weighing in at 1.6 kg. This week weighed in at 3.7 kg so he is getting big so to speak. 

He is lovely

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

COLD WEATHER ..... 20C OR -18C

 I think being cold is quite relative. I was told it was minus 18c in Toronto, and I will admit THAT is cold. Here to wake up to 20 c is quite cold and I wish that I had a sweater which I do not, I think that when thinking of Africa, COLD does not often come up in the picture, but it does have moments of feeling very cold.

Monday, January 10, 2022


 Celebrations sure are carried out with great enthusiasm and energy. 

Bishop Kyem  celebrated his first mass as bishop yesterday. Lot of singing and dancing and gifting to the bishop. Left house at 9am  

Wiawso is built on and around a big hill. So its up and down and  around it, to get to church. On the way, this is the mist, not burned off yet over the town, 

So back to the Mass yesterday. 
Here is the bishop and the Precentor.

Gifting, all the cello packages around the altar are gifts of food stuffs for the Bishop and 
there was an appeal for funds for him as well.

 Bishop blessing those who bring the gifts.

The festivities lasted until almost 3pm, Yep, very long to be sitting..

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Saturday business

 Laundry of smalls

Curtains for bedroom

from this

To this which is more my flavour

Friday, January 7, 2022


 Today is a holiday that honours the Constitution of the country.


I received fabric designed by Daniel in Sunyani that I am going to make new bedroom curtains. Parcel sent on the bus and money sent by e transfer\  It is somewhat like magic that way the world works in this day and age. 


                   off the bus

waiting to be sewn

PS   I manage to boil eggs today with no mishap   lol

Thursday, January 6, 2022


We three kings of Orient are                         Bearing gifts we traverse afar

I  wonder how far we would go to bring gifts to the Babe?

PS Happy Birthday Debbie!

Monday, January 3, 2022


 Pu t eggs om to boil aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddd

I forgot about them  u   n  t   i  l    

The smell of burning at the bottom of the pot drifted into the bedroom while I watched tv

ooopsy  pot has a blacken bottom   

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Remember "defrosting the fridge"

 I just spent an hour scraping and pushing ice into a basin.  It is part of life here.  It brings back times years ago with a fridge in a rented apt which made me to make sure when I bought a fridge, this task would be part of my past and it has been.


 Well another year with Covid under our belt. Whether that is good or bad is up to you. For me it was long staying in so much, but it was good in that I got to travel. 

So NY Eve the cathedral was full, from babes in arms to the seniors who sat when needed. It felt like a huge family gathering, time for anyone to come up and sing, time to dance, 


time for prayer and meditation, time for wishes and advice for the new year, around 11pm a  time when 3 policemen came and were welcomed in. Why you ask were they there? I asked the same question: was this a normal thing, Precentor says no. That is the hospitality here, they will welcome anyone who comes to the door with no questions asked. one policeman got up to make two points speech on safety. first not leaving your belonging alone when up dancing as thieves come in on a night such as this and take your money and phones before you even know they are gone  and the second point was to go hone in groups so as to not be attacked.  The bishop then gave them a blessing and off they went, waving while the congregation cheered. I will admit it was a first for me/

and then a time to just wait, wait for the clock to tick down to 12 

and then a time to celebrate the Eucharist in the New Year 2022.

I wish everyone a healthy and blessed 2022!