Thursday, December 9, 2021

Not a Scrooge ... really

 I have been busy getting an Art project to completion that was started in January 2020 but left dangling with my evacuation. I will show pics from it tomorrow. I had to do Christmas today.

So Christmas has come to my house, finally.

Christmas is a Holy Day without the fan fare in other parts of the world, very few decorations or light, Victor was telling me today that in Takoradi the scene is very different, parades, bands, dancers, dressed in finest clothes, street filled with folks from around the world,  (I saw pics today and it looked like a Christmas Caribana) so my house is now ready

Start at the front door

In the entrance is a Christmas Tree I made years and years ago and it now sits with the masks and sanitizer (who thought we would have such items as common place in our home)

Across the hall, the Holy Family and Shepherds sit, waiting for the best gift to the world                            (I received this Nativity set when ordained a priest at St. Stephens Downsview in 2002)

This is my fancy tree, Purple you say! (thank you Lois)

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