Saturday, December 18, 2021


 I am constantly intrigue with the funeral rite here in Ghana,

9 am It begins with the casket arriving in the church. Prayers said, water and Incense spread over the casket.

A while later, procession into the church, funeral service includes tributes by the family, prayers, and concluding with the committal.

Off to the family home, casket brought in to the middle of the home, we were received and asked why we were there. Precentor Rev. Fr. Canon Benjamin told said that Grace was a member of the cathedral and has died. we had a service at the church and now we are showing the family that it truly is her and when that has been validated then we will bury her. Water was passed around but we as church did  not take any as Libation is a ritual that comes from Tradition Religious beliefs and as such, we actually leave the house while it is done as we do not want to be part of it. 

Then off to the cemetery Cemeteries here are like a building site with high weeds trampled down, gravel, dirt paths, and one walks between the graves to the site for today. Prayers, incense and water spread and the funeral now is ended. It is important when back at the cathedral all of us washed our hands.

Back at my house after 2pm with a take away lunch in hand. 

Here is the marble cover for the grave. There is a space underneath this for the casket to slide under. Wreaths made of plastic flowers to have a long life, Only silk and plastic flowers are tastefully arranged for funerals and weddings as real flowers would not last because of the heat.

                              MAY SHE REST IN PEACE AND RISE IN GLORY. AMEN

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