Thursday, December 30, 2021

a marathon read

 THE ANSWER IS..   By: Alex Trebec

Did nothing else today but read. It is a good read and I think he was a decent Canadian who did us proud.

Sunday, December 26, 2021


 Bishop Tutu has died. For him UMBUTU embodied being human, He summed up it understanding          as "I participate, I share"  May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

In Wiawso we had Boxing Day service at the cathedral. We had Thanksgiving after the birth of a Child. 

Bishop praying over the baby girl at the altar.

Friday, December 24, 2021


 On some level it is hard to believe that it is Christmas Eve. I walk on red earth, there are no sidewalks here, the sun shines through the palm trees, the goats share the path as they work their way through the brush and the garbage piles, the chickens peck the earth looking for goodies, the rooster shouts out like he is king of the day and maybe he is,and it is Christmas Eve. WOW! We are going to celebrate the greatest gift ever, God Incarnate here on earth. WOW It's Christmas Eve. 

I wish everyone a healthy and peaceful Christmas and an even healthier New Year!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 got a Pfizer booster shot, found an Immigration Reginal Office in Wiawso to renew the date for my visa (saving the 3 hour drive to Kumasi to carry out the same and the Commandant  said it could be done in  day, wow I am impressed as it took 2 trips to Kumasi to accomplish it prior) and I had wieners and beans for supper. Life does not get better than this.

Monday, December 20, 2021


 Great celebration through out the ritual of Enthronement. We Canons in Full Regalia ( I needed to ask what that meant), Cassock, surplice and Mozetta  with Beretta (thank goodness I got mine last month, never having had one before) 

The Canons seated behind the altar 

the decorations on the wall were created for last weeks Farewell to Bishop Ackah

The dancing before the address by Bishop Kyme. If you want to see it live with music see



Saturday, December 18, 2021


 I am constantly intrigue with the funeral rite here in Ghana,

9 am It begins with the casket arriving in the church. Prayers said, water and Incense spread over the casket.

A while later, procession into the church, funeral service includes tributes by the family, prayers, and concluding with the committal.

Off to the family home, casket brought in to the middle of the home, we were received and asked why we were there. Precentor Rev. Fr. Canon Benjamin told said that Grace was a member of the cathedral and has died. we had a service at the church and now we are showing the family that it truly is her and when that has been validated then we will bury her. Water was passed around but we as church did  not take any as Libation is a ritual that comes from Tradition Religious beliefs and as such, we actually leave the house while it is done as we do not want to be part of it. 

Then off to the cemetery Cemeteries here are like a building site with high weeds trampled down, gravel, dirt paths, and one walks between the graves to the site for today. Prayers, incense and water spread and the funeral now is ended. It is important when back at the cathedral all of us washed our hands.

Back at my house after 2pm with a take away lunch in hand. 

Here is the marble cover for the grave. There is a space underneath this for the casket to slide under. Wreaths made of plastic flowers to have a long life, Only silk and plastic flowers are tastefully arranged for funerals and weddings as real flowers would not last because of the heat.

                              MAY SHE REST IN PEACE AND RISE IN GLORY. AMEN

Friday, December 17, 2021


 The shipment sent in November 2019 was delayed in sorting due to my early return to Canada in March 2020. Things got underway yesterday as the clothes were brought to the Diocesan office. Sorting and having giggles were the order of the day. It became apparent that folks are much larger in Canada that here. There were few pieces of clothing that fit, most were too large. The linens were greatly favoured.     A gift from someone at  St. Michaels was "Pillow Case Dresses for children" We have 44 of a variety of sizes. So Victor decided to try one on. cute eh! Open the closed end of pillow case, add ribbon for straps and add a pocket and trim.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Bishop Abraham 70th Birthday

 December 13 was the day that Bishop celebrated his 70th birthday. Unfortunately I was not told so I got the party favour yesterday. I must admit it is difficult for me to get all the notices as communication is still very much an oral tradition.  I say to the two in the office that if I am missing at an event the odds are that I did not know of the event.  

Party favours here are very practical. This one included a handkerchief stamped with bishop's pic and name in the corner, and a small orange towel all packaged in a sparkly orange net bag closed with gold cord, very pretty presentation.

Monday, December 13, 2021


 Biishop Abraham turns 70 today. Yesterday festivities and salutations were the order of the day. Accompanied by his wife and children, many bishops and many more priests Bishop Abraham celebrated. Preacher was a friend from Long Island USA the Rev. Canon Lkoyd Anthony.                 These events do go on. I left after 4 1/2 hours as my taxi had come.






School Supplies

 School supplies gathered at St. Michael in the fall of 2019, my goodness seems like yesterday. were finally delivered to. Anhwiam Anglican Primary School with over 600 students in a high needs part of town, Headmaster Rev. Fr. Job Aidoo Owusu, the enthusiasm of these kids was very obvious.

Headmasters own through the years

                                                    from the barrel to large bags for transport

               with the teachers and students

                                                    She is trying to figure out who or what I am

Friday, December 10, 2021


In January 2020 we began an  Art Project to create art for my house. It was divided into three age groups and the first place student would get their school fees paid for one year. Well the project fell apart as I was evacuated at the end of March. This year  in consultation with a Head Teacher as we had 11 submissions it was decided that all submissions would be rewarded with a bag of school supplied, pen, pencils, writing books etc. As there were submissions from two schools we made the presentations at the school on Wednesday. I will show the actual art when it gets put up in my house.


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Not a Scrooge ... really

 I have been busy getting an Art project to completion that was started in January 2020 but left dangling with my evacuation. I will show pics from it tomorrow. I had to do Christmas today.

So Christmas has come to my house, finally.

Christmas is a Holy Day without the fan fare in other parts of the world, very few decorations or light, Victor was telling me today that in Takoradi the scene is very different, parades, bands, dancers, dressed in finest clothes, street filled with folks from around the world,  (I saw pics today and it looked like a Christmas Caribana) so my house is now ready

Start at the front door

In the entrance is a Christmas Tree I made years and years ago and it now sits with the masks and sanitizer (who thought we would have such items as common place in our home)

Across the hall, the Holy Family and Shepherds sit, waiting for the best gift to the world                            (I received this Nativity set when ordained a priest at St. Stephens Downsview in 2002)

This is my fancy tree, Purple you say! (thank you Lois)

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 The two clinics that I visited a week or so ago have received their suction machines and expressed their grateful thanks. It may seem a small gesture but the newborns that will be healthier and their parents will be forever thankful.

the request

now on board

Sunday, December 5, 2021

bits and pieces

 Yesterday attended the funeral for the Rev. Canon Joyce Barnett via zoom. Very caring liturgy. May she rest in peace.

Got a curtain rod for kitchen valence, bars on all windows and you eventually stop seeing them

Visiting choir of young people today: beautiful voices from enthusiastic teens

receiving a blessing from Bishop Kyem Ampomah\

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Death Notice

Hannah at graduation from St. Nicholas Seminary in Cape Coast

The Rev. Hannah Dwomah passed away on November 30 after a short illness. Hannah was the first woman ordained in the Diocese of Sunyani leading the way for women. I met Hannah while at St. Stephens Downsview. We again connected in the Diocese of Sunyani when she had returned to Ghana and I was visiting. I had a habit of offering to raise the needed funds for a female student and                  Bishop T.A.Brient was the first to take me up on the offer. I was in Nkoranza for her first mass as celebrant. Unfortunately several years later she had health issues and was on sick leave until her retirement,   May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

                 Hannah giving a blessing

Jannah and myself several years ago

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


 The house I live in built in the fall of 2019 and finished in January 2020. Like all new houses there are things that will improve it, like the stairs at the back door are 6 or 7 stairs high and to me, it would only take a slip off the ceramic tile stairs to go flying. I thought that a railing of both sides would make them safer. Asked that the job be done and yesterday it was completed.  :)