Thursday, January 24, 2019

Guinea fowl

 After church last week guinea fowl were on parade scratching and pecking
well I have some pics of guinea fowl but can not get them to send off my phone so no pics

Finishing up newsletter for the bishop, hope its last draft tomorrow I am taking a course on line: how to teach English as a second language, very interesting and I guess like all teaching positions, the first time you teach a course it takes forever to put that lesson together, at least it take me a long time, The program is in the form of a self paced learning design. I wrote a self paced learning program years ago and I can say this one is well done. How I will use it, actually I have no idea but from it I speak and preach differently, like no complex sentence structure and pause between sentences longer as English is a second language here for many as they grow up learning their local language and then school is taught in English.

so changing the subject, I met the mom of a student that Franka was teaching, mom makes bag that are lined with plastic, the plastic from the water sachets, she is part of a program that is trying to improve the environment 
I really like the bag, she has other for computers, nicely made, attractive fabric, she says they do not sell well here as folks are not that into saving the environment yet so object to the sachet lining
nice eh!