Tuesday, January 29, 2019


can not get pics to leave out box and transfer to inbox so I can use them here

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Guinea fowl

 After church last week guinea fowl were on parade scratching and pecking
well I have some pics of guinea fowl but can not get them to send off my phone so no pics

Finishing up newsletter for the bishop, hope its last draft tomorrow I am taking a course on line: how to teach English as a second language, very interesting and I guess like all teaching positions, the first time you teach a course it takes forever to put that lesson together, at least it take me a long time, The program is in the form of a self paced learning design. I wrote a self paced learning program years ago and I can say this one is well done. How I will use it, actually I have no idea but from it I speak and preach differently, like no complex sentence structure and pause between sentences longer as English is a second language here for many as they grow up learning their local language and then school is taught in English.

so changing the subject, I met the mom of a student that Franka was teaching, mom makes bag that are lined with plastic, the plastic from the water sachets, she is part of a program that is trying to improve the environment 
I really like the bag, she has other for computers, nicely made, attractive fabric, she says they do not sell well here as folks are not that into saving the environment yet so object to the sachet lining
nice eh!

Monday, January 21, 2019

visit to Atebubu

4 hours in a taxi to Atebubu, then a ride to Kingsley family's home, in an adapted motorcycle for taxi service in the town, in India they are called motorized rickshaws but they ride the same
Great Hospitality shown by his parents: Mom and Dad (he is people's warden)
so Sunday worship
in the original church plant at 7 am service,
 small starter building (maybe 8/9 chairs across) for the congregation
now St. John the Baptist, Atebubu at 930 service

nice eh

COMPETITION FOR MY NOAH BACK IN CANADA, no name as of yet but very cute

Saturday, January 19, 2019

going to Atebubu for the weekend with Rev. Fr Kingsley

going to a church where the priest is on medical leave,
Atebubu has a population of just over 100,00, it is about 2 hours by taxi to Techiman and another 2 hours to Atebubu, depending on how long it takes to fill the taxi at each start, maybe a few minutes, maybe almost an hour,
Wedding in 20 minutes at cathedral, supposed to start at 10am but goodness know what the Ghana      10 am time will be.

Daniel designed some fabric, see below each piece is 6 yards

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Internet was down over the whole country since Sunday

I went twice to the shop and today there was  no guarantee when it would come back, it was a major problem which now has been resolved as I am on line
Saturday was a farewell party for Franka as she returns to Munich after 1 year here in Sunyani teaching at a local school. great food, wonderful company, lots of laughs
Franka thanking folks
friends                                                                             food   

the whole gang is here

Thursday, January 10, 2019

school supplies

the two barrels were delivered to the Manager of Anglican Schools for the Diocese of Sunyani,
The contributors to the school supplies did an outstanding job to donate such a volume of very needed supplies, blessings to everyone
Rev. Fr. Kinsley Asante. He determined there are 90 Anglican school so we made bags of supplies for each school. Rev. Canon Eramus Ashity and I worked with Kinsley to fill the bags.
here we are putting the school supplies in bags for distribution on the floor
here are the piles of completed bags -  
90 school will benefit from your donations
a big thanks to everyone, I will post pics of the school when they are given out

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Epiphany - the wise folks arrived

I celebrated today for the first time at the cathedral,  long story but I needed to get my head around it being a cathedral anyway I have done it 

so the whole time there was a girl towards the back with a hat with flashing lights. after the service I asked if I could take her pic, yes and put it on my blog, her name is Angel

the pink hat over a wool hat is was has the light, cute or what

daddy comes over to get a copy of the pic, little brother comes to get his pic too, please notice the blue watch as he is very proud of it

Saturday, January 5, 2019

funeral in Kumasi

Bishop's mother died at the end of October, today was the funeral and interment, up at 330am, cathedral bus at 4, left at 430 and got to  the 6am service as the sermon was finishing in the pre funeral service about 630. It ended after 8am, then breakfast was served and 9am starts the funeral.
It ended before noon, then came lunch, rice and chix for me, Interment for 1pm when the body was taken to her house for the last time and then on to the cemetery, I slept off and on when riding the early am bus, I think I napped during the funeral with my eyes mostly open and napped on the way back tonight, I am tired so more tomorrow

Thursday, January 3, 2019

sitting in the bar near the airport

Franka as she finishes her year of volunteering has her parents and brother visiting from Germany so visiting the African Village Bar was part of their tour. She invited teachers and friends to have an afternoon of laughter and fun. Franka in centre with her mom to the right in the pink dress. I am sorry but I did not include her brother or father ooopsy, they were sitting on either side of me

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Things that gives a challenge

You know how you have an idea, get it set up and need some additional items to complete the project. This is where is gets interesting here, today looking for plastic page covers, three stores later, everyone knew what I was looking for but did not have any. What I would not give for a STAPLES STORE. so adjust plan and get pages laminated instead. Adu (taxi driver) and I and clerk (almost 9 months pregnant  with 4 at home, youngest is 2 yrs.) putting the sheets in the plastic so they could be put through the machine. Bought a binder to put pages in and found out when I got back it has 4 rings in it, my hole punch makes only three, oh hum, what else is new. You can never tell what is going to stump you. 

I thought post-it notes would not be here but they are in several colours. they have both red and white onions here, I find the red ones very hot so buy white ones. Usually they are far and few between but today in the market, every stall had white onions. I guess it is the season. 
Franka ( German student who has been here on a one year visa teaching at a local school). Her Mom, Dad and brother have come for a couple of weeks as she has finished her term. they are coming here tomorrow and I have been invited to got to the bar near the airport tomorrow afternoon, should be fun. 

here is a New Year's wish I could not say better

Please be sure to take the time to watch this beautiful video to the very end. It will be well worth your while.
Please click on the link below:

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

recovery day

There was a service on the schedule for 9 am today but when I awoke, moving out of bed was not going to happen for me, felt a little guilty at not going to church but there was not enough Tylenol in the bottle to make it possible (lol), then I find out this afternoon there was no church as it had been cancelled (announcements in Twi means that I sometimes miss NB info) so I guess I wasted my guilt this am.