Saturday, October 17, 2015

success at getting on line, been trying all day

and the arrival gospel adventure begins
airports are interesting place: first obvious purpose is to get people onto or off of flights to many destinations. I learned this trip that one can do almost anything in an airport, this visit I saw, stopped and had a pedicure AND they had my favourite nail polish colour too. Sitting with the chair massaging my back, my feet being pampered and people walking by, starring almost in disbelief, it was a great interlude to leaving the country and made the one hour delayed departure time pass without a fuss.
I learned that one can upgrade an economy seat to “economy comfort” for a cost mind you, bigger seats, 4 inches more leg room between the seats and the seat goes back further, for me worth every penny for the night flight, yes I have reserved the same for my returning night flight. The really good news with this upgrade was that the 2 seats beside me were empty, CAN’T believe it …. so once the flight got going I took a blankie, all the pillows and got arranged on 3 seats for a very nice sleep.
Amsterdam airport, a little different than 25 years ago. long walks from one gate to another, unable to see my flight on the departure board gave me a little start so  asked questions of anyone with a KLM uniform and eventually found the correct gate and yes there really was a flight to Accra
Picked up by Evelyn and taken to her hotel in Tema (you can look it up on a map), we talked, planned a program for children in the village where her mom was from (more about that later), dined and then slept after midnight.
morning came    
Up and decided to wear my outfit made from the Diocesan cloth that has a clerical collar. Turns out that was a helpful thing, taken back to the airport, got bags on a trolley, paid taxi and he left, only to find out that the Amtrak flight to Sunyani does not go on Thursday any more, just Mon, Wed, Frid and Sun, Not Thursday, Holy shit now what, my Ghana phone and Canada phone both need recharging as I had not adaptor for the plugs to do while I slept, so no phone numbers of anyone … ooopsy
So options are; ?? back to Evelyns, ?? stay at Airport Holiday Inn or ?? as the porter pushing my luggage around, suggests .. take the VIP (bus from Accra to Sunyani) today, cheaper than the plane he says. Now Gifty (friend) takes this bus all the time so I figure it is ok.  got another taxi, porter name is Nii, has 3 kids, said he would stay with me until I got on the bus, The worst part is dealing with 3 large heavy bags that do not all fit in the trunk, anyway … we drove like mad through the busy traffic, (like grid lock in Toronto) in Accra for an hour, I had no idea where we at any time but thought if push came to shove I would go to the Anglican Cathedral and let them help me out of this.  The driver and I had a heated discussion about the cost and he threatened to take me back to the airport and I said FINE, well Nii intervened and we continued at a reduced price from originally stated. still probably paid too much but cheaper than the Holiday Inn and plane fare.
Got to bus terminal (loose term for what it really is, no amenities like Union Station) found the bus to Sunyani, Nii got bags underneath,  I paid for ticket and paid fee for bags and Nii with taxi driver left. An older gentleman reading the writing on my outfit claimed he was Anglican too. The rule here is that the bus does not leave until full so everyone with a ticket is outside the bus (it is very hot) waiting, he steers me when asked, for me to get a bottle of water and 2 Cokes, I have not had anything to eat so am relying on the sugar to keep me going. Left Accra about 11am. Bus is quite comfortable, nice seats, a little A/c so temp is good, several movies are shown, some not in English but they shout loud, the last one must have been funny as everyone on the bus were laughing, laughing, had 2 pit stops and we get to Sunyani about 715pm, I point to the first man who asks if I want a taxi, he collects my bags and we are off. Ata, my next door neighbour helps with the bags and I am home. Thanks be to God. Ata says he cleaned my place, looks great. I packed one box of Kraft Dinner as I know I will have no food till I shop, so find pot, hot plate and eventually eat. I open suitcases, unpack essentials for tonight, plug in phones etc and go to bed.    My clock is off so after a few hours of sleep I am up and writing this to post later when I have an internet connection.  all is well that ends well

so Friday
 food shopped, unpacked suitcases, took covers off furniture and emptied totes quite tired and it 84f
got my modem returned, put up curtains and tried to get on line .... all day but here I am almost 10pm and I have success.
 tomorrow church at 7 and 9am ...   I have packed my snack bag to eat in church as wont get back until 1230 or 1pm


  1. Glad to hear you got to your place eventually and ok. Looking forward to hearing about your activities this stay.

  2. I do not mind adventures but sometimes in the middle it seems like a nightmare lol

  3. Plane only on Thursday- Glad your bags got there in one piece

  4. bags got here fine, I had a black bag in one of the suitcases that would have allowed me to divide up the stuff in the backpack so it was not so heavy oh hum, I will use it on the way back. I will only now use carry on bags that weigh nothing, I learn slow.
