Tuesday, October 20, 2015

figured out the pic card

I think this computer is trying to tell me that it needs to retire or something, the spring that holds the SD card tight in the slot does not do its job any more so I have to hold the card in, in order to get the pics off the card which means I have to copy the pics I want using only one hand and save them in a folder on the computer, its a bit tricky to say the least BUT perseverance paid off and I got the cats saved
I think there are 2 litters as this mom has little babies around here most of the time
This one seems to be a loner but there are also kittens about 2 months old wandering around as well

Lots of police sirens today which can mean someone important is travelling by: like the president or first lady.
The entourage can consist of 2 or 3 police cars with lights and sirens, then about 5 minutes later more police with lights and sirens followed by a limo followed by more police with lights and sirens.
I went to see Daniel, the drum maker today to order another drum. On the way I see that there were hundreds of people, buses, lots of vehicles around the stadium and the cabbie said the President was visiting as there is an election coming up..sound familiar. Daniel has a new design for the drum which is quite nice so need to wait until spring to see the finished product
I see that we have a Liberal Majority government as a result of our election ......   mmmm  ........   I wonder what that will mean for the state of affairs of Canada 

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