Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 Travelled to Sunyani on the 23rd and returned on the 26th. Travelling is such a challenge here. I went by taxi to Bibiani (34 km = 1 1/2 hrs) and then changed to a minibus on to Sunyani, (93 km = 3 hrs). Returning I had to wait 1 hour in Bibianai for the taxi to fill up, buses and taxis do not leave at a certain time but leave when all the seats are filled. The good news was that I was the first patron to get to the taxi so I got the front passenger seat. 

Saw friends in Sunyani, picked up my drum from Daniel

Had dinner with Gifty, a long chat with Eramus and May, picked up a Pascal candle holder from Moses.
and enjoyed Adu driving me here and there. The travelling is tiring as the roads are full of pot holes so there is considerable weaving back and forth using the whole road to minimize the bumps. There is no complaining as that is life. Visited the Prison, more later when I get pics.
All in all  great time! 

Monday, February 20, 2023


 The winds blow from the northeast or east in the Western Sahara with it being the strongest between November to mid March. With large amount of dust interfering with local aircraft operations. As a result the weather here in Wiawso today is 38c feels 38c and the air quality is extreme. Recommendation to have windows closed to keep the dust and sand out and take precautions with respiratory illnesses

ps to this info. The sand from the Sahara works its way across the Atlantic Ocean to South America.                                                                              Amazing eh!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Veranda Railing

 The house has a nice veranda which is the stopping grounds for goats in the rain and teen age girls who like the back drop of the blue reflective windows for their selfies. I live by myself and need to be ever conscious of how safe I am. So decided to put up a railing with a gate for now and to lock it when I am not here. Things are made from scratch here so ordered the railing last week and yesterday..voila it appeared! Will be painted black with a gold cross on the gate.

             to begin with

                 The best part is how necessity is the mother of invention. No plug, no problem.

Sunday, February 12, 2023


asawinso. His funeral last Friday was held in a parish that he served in St. Matthews at Sefwi  From his bio he sounded like a real go getter, reviving slumping parished to be vibrant centres. He immigrated to USA and served in the Diocese of New York for many years where he died. 

The funeral was attended by all clergy and the present and retired bishops of Diocese of Wiawso. 

Interesting to me points in the service: 

... during the Commendation all the priests surrounded the casket with a lit candle

... after service the casket was taken out into a space, size of football field and placed in the centre covered with the Pall, all flower tributes are made with silk/plastic flowers as real ones would not last an hour in the heat.

...on either side of the field are chairs under tents, on one side is the family and on the other are visitors.                                                                

                                                                    Family seated

When a visitor enters they go to the family and walk by greeting as they go and then sit down. When visitors are all seated the family gets up and walks along the front of the visitors greeting them with AKWAABA ( you are welcome). There is music playing with singers with very large speakers.

                                                                Musicians and dancing

All and all, 6 to 7 hours from leaving the house until back home, not including interment which I did not attend. Great send off for a very loved priest.

Monday, February 6, 2023

The day is ending

 How can you top this?                           

                                                        10-12 feet of colour out front door

                                                        and a setting sun out the back door

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Hurricane Hazel has died at the age of 101

 A woman who ran the City of Mississauga for many decades Hazel Mccallion has died. As a good Anglican she was a force that  has been and will be an example to all on how to live and work for the good in life. It has been said that the ice skating rink beside the Mississauga City Hall was built there so Hazel could skate on her lunch hour. (she was on a woman's hockey team in the 30's). I have to admit that I was compared to Hazel once which I took as a compliment, I had never been compared to a hurricane before but I guess if the shoe fits, I gotta wear it. 

                   Well done, good and faithful servant. May you rest in peace and rise in glory. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

the good news when the hyrdo is off

 I can defrost the fridge (remember knife chipping ice, ice and water dripping on the floor, still happens). Today a frost free fridge for a day or two. I was desperate to do something else so took the floor fan apart and cleaned it, I know very crazy desperation eh!      Anyway clean fan and fridge so it's not all bad, it was a lot of sweating though as it was hot.      ....         anyway, onward and upward so the saying goes

They had prayers of Thanksgiving for my 80th birthday last year and my priestly ministry of 30 years last Sunday at church. I felt very supported.