Wednesday, April 8, 2020

9/14. The days are marching on

its Holy Week, can’t believe it! Usually as a priest, worrying about having a study in Holy Week, the Blessing of oils at the cathedral and reaffirm ordination vows, washing of feet followed by the question by Jesus “you could not stay awake” in the garden, then Good Friday remembering the walk down  the Via Delarosa to the Place of the Skull when the curtain ripped from top to bottom, trying to put some words together to celebrate HE WAS RISEN!!!!
In real terms this year the topics this week consists of food, tv, Internet, reading, knitting and looking out the window. The 14 days forces me to think more intensely what do each of the days in Holy Week mean to me above and beyond the frantic nature of being the priest organizing for others.
I think that is the big take-away from the shut down of my life, what does different aspects of life mean to me.   wow... big discovery to be letting this time away from regular life lead me to self reflection mmm very interesting


  1. It will be a very different Good Friday and Easter. In all my 80 years do not ever remember being in lock down before. When other flu and viruses were spreading we just live life as normal. We are both well. It is my kids and grandkids I worry about, they are still working. Daughter at the hospital, she does the meals. Son is an auto mechanic. I find things to do and when I don't I play some Hearts or some other game on my computer. I enjoy you blog. Keep well and have a happy Easter. I will be watching Bishop Susan's prayer Service on Facebook and I have done for the last few Sunday'd except for on when there was no sound.

  2. I am glad you are managing this time. This is a time when we each find that we have cooping skills that we did not know we had. I am enjoying calling folks that I have not seen since last fall. Perhaps we will develop habits that keep us in touch better.
