Saturday, November 29, 2014

FRIDAY I dont know whether it is black or not, just that it is Friday

Friday was a marathon of 2 doc appts.
1) to see radiologist to determine radiation treatments 11am at PMH,
of course arrived at 1015 so I would not be late (still not so sure about TTC subway so leave very early). Tanya arrives, taken in to see Dr. Leven at 1215 (they were running a little late ??? no reason why but anyway) he is a nice fellow, explains things even drawing pictures
SO the determination is that I will receive 21 treatments (an additional 5 directed from the side as the lump was taken out and then, the surrounding tissue (not taken as one specimen) which results in
Dr. Leven not being able to determine the exact margin from the centre of the lump so the extra just to be sure). This treatment reduces the reoccurrence of cancer from 30% to 15% so seems like a worthwhile treatment for me
He was sweet in that he offered to start after Xmas but I expressed my desire to get this show on the road, so being measured next Thursday and treatments start next Friday.
Ran down stairs, bought sandwich at Druxies in PMH lobby, jumped in the car
2) to see medical oncologist at the Cancer centre in Hamilton (I use Tanya's address in Hamilton and Cancer Care Ontario has the care determined by your address so hence we are off to Hamilton) don't ask why I can do the rest at PMH, I have no answer.
Arrive at 245pm for 3pm appt, sign in etc and sit.
see Resident, who does physical and talks about options.
I will admit because the tumour was very small, end of my little finger, I am going to need to be convinced to take medication to reduce the reoccurrence rate. The meds can reduce another 45 to 50% of reoccurrence so it would be down to 7% possibly to reoccur. Some of the side effects are not nice to need to investigate more to make the decision.
They were very generous and gave me the side effects for the two types of meds, and would phone the prescription in rather than have me come back to this hospital.
So headed back to Toronto on GO.
a little tired so off to bed

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cold again

following Jeannie around is work: 8 ladies for lunch today, concert in Ottawa where her nephew had a role, yesterday another visitor to stay a few days, he is quite lovely ..... long time since a male slept  in my bedroom.... have I caught your attention ???????

Friday, November 21, 2014

Snow and fellowship

 I was part of a team chopping this am, chopping enough veggies for 100 tourtieres being sold as a fund raiser for the church, conversation covered many topics
chopping chopping chopping ..... and then
off to the park for a walk in the cemetery 
grave of former Prime Minister Lester B. Parson

Thursday, November 20, 2014

snow and wind

Appt with radiologist is set for Nov 28 at PMH so the next chapter is starting for radiation treaments
In the meanwhile:
Senior's lunch at St. Magdalene Anglican Church in Chelsea Quebec (one point in Jeannie's parish)
Meals in church's are universal in their nature -  prepare food at home, set up room, serve food and clean up ....  great ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, dessert (I do not know what as I did not partake) great conversation, seniors from the community without regard to church attended.... kinda neat
Snow continues fall with ploughing and shovelling the order of the day
no birds taking a bath today
Jeannie's aunt has taken a turn for the worse in Ottawa so Bartho is keeping me company, well sorta as he sleeps


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

snow country in Quebec

visiting Jeannie in Wakefield, snow, snow, snow.... winter has arrived, at least it has here.
looking out to the road from the front window

I am having a good time roaming the countryside while waiting for the next chapter of my journey with Breast Cancer. I expect to be notified this week when I will meet with the Radiology Oncologist to discuss radiation treatments. I hope they will be in December to get them done and over with. ................................................................hope. hope. hope.


Friday, November 14, 2014


went to Dr. McCready post op visit with Tanya at PMH
no cancer in the node   :) :) :)
no chemo but radiation is the next chapter, should have appt made with the Oncology Radiologist with in a few days, need 16x radiation treatments and then appt with Medical Oncologist just to review the chart but unlikely to have any further connection.
then mammograms 1x year

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


went to a service at St. Barnabas on the Danforth on Sunday pm to listen to the piper (love the pipes)
yesterday went to the service at the Cenotaph in Crystal Beach, piper was hard to hear but I had a great companion while I sat on the ground who had come from Alaska.
His name is KENAI after a peninsula where his owners were living

Thursday, November 6, 2014

can't sleep

for what ever reason, can't sleep
a week has passed since surgery, steri-strips are off, incision looks clean, continue to feel great, walking every day with the dog (Finnian) - shoes are the best
- seeing sites in To that I 've not seen in a while or ever
Art Gallery to see the COLVILLE Exhibition - learned more about him as a person - bought a print of Dog and Priest very interesting story in the painting
- went to the Opera House (never even knew it had been built, S E corner of  Queen and University, right beside the Osgood Subway stn.) for a free concert Wednesday at 530pm and then to a great Middle Eastern Restaurant for a goat dinner near Greenwood and Danforth with quite a marriage of flavours
now will try to sleep ...... zzzzzz  I hope

And today is Kirk's 40th birthday  .  HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRK

Monday, November 3, 2014


feeling great.!
my GP called to check that I really meant that I was ok, she is very sweet.
I thought that I was incognito as a priest at church until yesterday the priest Jonathon, admitted he recognized me ( I can't hide anywhere)
Now just waiting til the 14th doc appt. to get pathology results and then the plan for radiation is made for December
N|OW I am reacquainting myself with the TTC system (I forgot how good it really is) hoping on and off the subways (the new ones are VERY nice)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2nd day post op

Dressing is off, no stitches, just steri strips (little pieces of tape across the incision) a little more aching in the armpit now (I have to guess that the doc went roaming for the Sentinel node through the one incision) other than that, eating drinking complaining etc as per normal . Tanya bringing the makings for crock pot chicken today and maybe we will go shopping as she has car these days.
Post op appt with doc November 14th, will get pathology results and plan for 16x radiation treatments in December, hopefully completed by Christmas AND life goes on