Saturday, February 4, 2012

a 'nothing' day of rest

Wow, a day with no committments, just reading and laying around.
Yes it is hard to take ... lol
weather warm, 84 in the shade, ?? in the sun (no A/C or a fan at the moment), car horns beeping (which they do all day and all night), the rooster in the yard strutting and making his 'cock a doodle doo' but I have stopped hearing him in the early am now (it is amazing what you can get used to), radios making their sound, voices loud, tires screeching and here I sit, in a classromm using the internet.
I had a real Coke last night and today I have a bottle of Diet Coke (nothing can be better than this).I do miss margarine on my bread ... no Becel
Just thought I would check in and now off to a great afternoon of 'nothingness' .... .......
sounds good eh, because it is. Thanks be to God.

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