Wednesday, February 8, 2012


cookies and cream, my it was good,
good discussion about the simliarities and differences between dioceses
got an invitation to their ordination when ever that it,
my answer..if I can I will other wise I can not
Toronto tomorrow !


Packing almost done, good byes tonight and we are having 'Breyers cookies and cream' ice cream that I found at the store, had to buy a ice cream scope and there is not one here at the seminary, my hunch is that ice cream is not on the menu, probably never.

Good byes are not easy, leaving folks that you have just got to know. I guess it is like the song somewhat says,,with the first hello then starts the good bye

Au revoir a la Seminaire de Theologie Eglise Episcopale de Haiti

If there is not wifi at the Fort Lauderdale Airport where I will sit for a while tomorrow between flights then c'est toute .

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cool morning, only 82 in the shade

Time is coming fast that the return plane will be ready

This week trying to get information for a Food Program project for which I will try to get support.

This little one wanders around many times a day, a daughter of one of the cooks. She does not know her name yet but is very cute!

Monday, February 6, 2012

NOTRE DAME on Sunday morning

I got pics taken at church yesterday.

This is the worship space now that the church building is damaged and needs to be taken down.

Yesterday was the morning that the children come up for a blessing, it seemed to me that most people came up so Fr. Jean Fils and I could bless them. It is the older women who look at me as though...finally the women are gaining groumd, kiss my hand, kiss me, I have found that the same in Ghana when they have not seen a woman priest

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This is Emmagina

Emmagina slept through the sermon, maybe that was a good idea as it was translated sentence by sentence ( it always feels very weird)

anyway I have no idea whether anyone else slept I was a bit busy.

She is 1 month and 15 days old, has red shoes and red ruffles under her skirt

The congregation was very welcoming as was Fr. Jeanfils, I guess he was as he got out of preaching.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

a 'nothing' day of rest

Wow, a day with no committments, just reading and laying around.
Yes it is hard to take ... lol
weather warm, 84 in the shade, ?? in the sun (no A/C or a fan at the moment), car horns beeping (which they do all day and all night), the rooster in the yard strutting and making his 'cock a doodle doo' but I have stopped hearing him in the early am now (it is amazing what you can get used to), radios making their sound, voices loud, tires screeching and here I sit, in a classromm using the internet.
I had a real Coke last night and today I have a bottle of Diet Coke (nothing can be better than this).I do miss margarine on my bread ... no Becel
Just thought I would check in and now off to a great afternoon of 'nothingness' .... .......
sounds good eh, because it is. Thanks be to God.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Broken houses abound

I think that I am immuned to seeing the destruction and today I saw one that is literally hanging, waiting for demolition.

I have a long conversation with FR. McDonald who has beeen given the task of developing a Sunday School Curriculum. and asked if I could help. I sugggested that there is free stuff on the internet, showed him some samples. So next week instead of going to the school I will search for free material for him. If anyone has great source, let me know or if you have used curriculum ,those also would be helpful as with the lectionary the readings come around every three years.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sr. Mary Alban SSJ

I had a great conversation with Sr. Mary Alban last night. She is a sister of St. Joseph's in Toronto and a friend of my friend, Sr. Rosemary Fry. Sr. Mary has been in Haiti 23 years last week and turns 80 next year and wonders what she will do next. Formerly taught in Toronto RC schools and then got into justice work, then felt she needed to come to Haiti. She has worked in the slums here, worked for justice and has now just written a series of booklets on Non Violence. An amazing woman to be with and a gift for me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eucharist celebrated by the only woman priest here

The Rev. Fernande Sanon Pierre Louis, ordained 12 years ago, celebrated this am. It is interesting how there is a knowing when you meet someone who in reality, is in the same position. Denise is one of the students, in third year, but if understand the system here, she will work in a parish, still called a seminarian for a couple of years and then at the pleasure of the bishop will be ordained. Rev. Frenande is a great role model for the women who are following her.