Thursday, July 1, 2010

Via Dolorosa, The Way of the Cross

Lunch in the old city Bishop Poole & Canadian Ambassador, Israel

Market shopping in old city

Up at 5 and out by 5:45 to walk the Way of the Cross.

Taking turns carrying a cross in silence, reading prayers at each station, we were joined by a couple from Korea who I invited to look at my book that we all had about each station of the Cross. The woman spoke english but I hunch the man did not as he did not join into theprayer responses. At the end I gave them the book that had been give to us at the college. John the leader who also was the author of the book, spoke about the 6th station which is the one when Veronica wipes Jesus' brow even though he was considered an outcast at that time. When the walk was all over and we were back at the college, I tried to get another copy. There was much discussion as to whether there was another copy, Bishop Poole got one and had the author sign it as he was for everyone else. He wrote in mine that giving the book away was a wondeful Veronica thing to do, I was very touched. We did not take cameras with us for the walk, a prayerful meditation instead of posing for pictures.

Had the Canadian Ambassador to Israel for breakfast, he came from Tel Aviv to see us.
This afternoon we went into the old city to had lunch and `spend money!

This is our last night and tomorrow we leave for the airport at 8am for a flight at 12:30pm Israeli time, 5:30am Toronto time and we get to To 5:55pm Toronto time.


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