Monday, February 28, 2022

another Monday morning

 the Ascension Cathedral school looked very sad and sparse. It does struggle and the teachers are paid by the government but the rest of needed  equipment has to come from the community, and that isn't happening by the looks of things, no water, no electricity, minimal supplies  really quite a desolate situation.

Went on a visit with the Bishop Kweme and after speaking with the teachers water seems to be the leading need, at this point they have to haul water every day from a block away, got an estimate of $1,000 Canadian to run a line   from the city water to the school including a poly tank to store the water. If you would like to support this project know that I have no mechanism to issue tax receipts. please use address of 52 Belmont Ave. Hamilton L8L7M1 and make payable to me, I will send pics of the completed system to all donors 

here is the KG school

                                                                           two of the teachers



but you know what...these little folks  is what it is all about

Monday, February 21, 2022

internet better

 I understand the server is 4g and my chip in the modem was only 2g so got it upgraded and it seems to be better.

Funeral on Saturday was for both the mom and dad who died in the same month last September.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Traditional Dress Friday

 Gifty does make beautiful clothes.

The internet has been a colossal pain in that it cuts out when it first downloads or it does not connect at all. The battery to my modem is dying so to speak plus they do not make that model any more so no replacement batteries are around. buying a universal modem which can accommodate different WIFI servers so I am told. It should come this week and I will try different servers to see whether I can get better results. Here's hoping.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Monday, February 7, 2022


 I was talking to my grandson Cameron yesterday as it was his 7th birthday. He was all excited that he got a present that is older brother Ben wanted, so Can was gloating a little. He of course was all excited at turning 7. My goodness don't they grow up quickly. 

                                                                    the candles are lit

                                                                all gone, now officially 7

Friday, February 4, 2022

Traditional Dress Friday



so all rooms have ceiling fans in this house, very handy when the air is still. So the one in my bedroom all of sudden stopped working. ????  Do I know what is wrong, of course not so yesterday asked the Accountant (who knows how to solve all problems in my mind) who could I get to see to the fan. He calls Abraham who says he will be at the house at 1pm, I leave office and am home in time. He arrived at 10am today. oh hum. So in he comes, I have William get the ladder, he walks into the room, flicks a switch above the bed and the fan starts turning. Did I know there are two switches for the fan, NO. At this point everyone laughs and I leave for the office to meet the accountant laughing at the situation as Abraham had already called him with the solution. No one told me there were 2 switches  :(. so now I know. I was feeling a little dumb but I will never forget to look for a second switch. I will make a different booboo next time.  lol