Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Back in the Canadian life

After recouping sleep and energy, off to the cottage to clean and unpack for the summer.
I am signing off until November, have a fun and safe summer

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

I am back

Flight was ok, tired +++++ of course
Tanya picked me up, we talked for a few hours and then I faded, woke up 15 hours later
Folks, it is cold here so, with my fleece jacket and socks on 24/7 I will manage. Lol

Saturday, May 11, 2019

and the sky turned black



Afia without her help I would not get packed up

Friday, May 10, 2019

3 more sleeps

I guess it is only 2 sleeps as Sunday night I probably will not sleep as I get up Monday at 4am to start the trek to Toronto and land in Toronto around noon on Tuesday
Trying to eat up all the left overs and not buy any more food. Bought some quiche and egg rolls at Eusbett Hotel, tastes good and just heat in the microwave.
Tomorrow Afia comes, she finished washing everything in sight and we pack everything in tote bins as everything gets covered quickly with brown sand off down from the Sahara, just like packing up at the cottage for the winter and here I pack up for the summer.


Thursday, May 9, 2019

all day Thursday

Barclays Bank again, 20 minutes and three desks to visit and I have a new ATM card that worked before I left the bank.       ðŸ˜„

Then I asked Adu to find sticks that were used to clean teeth, used long before tooth brushed were invented but for some reason he and I did not communicate in a way that he knew what I was looking for..... so no success.  Kingsley visited and I described what I had seen in the market, chewing stick is the name and I got some this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


'once upon a time' is the familiar open to a fairy tale, this story begins with 'only in Ghana' instead.
I have been withdrawing money on my CIBC visa from Barclays and then coming home and paying the visa off through internet banking. Today I withdraw some money and want to deposit some of it into my Barclay's acct as I have not used it in a while. I get money and then upon inserting my Barclay's card, it says that it has expired and eats my card. So no problem, the bank is open so I enter to speak to the person on the Welcome Desk and tell her my issue, that I need a new card. She politely response with, "come back tomorrow morning" Shocked I say "you are kidding?" no was the answer. I leave the bank as this is sorta weird and unusual to me. I get in the taxi and while telling Adu a staff person from the bank comes over and greets me (he had been talking with Adu). asking me how I am, I say I am annoyed, why he asks and I tell him about my card and that I have to return in the morning to get a new one. He says the networks are not good in the afternoon, 'Somewhat inconvenient' I respond and say they are probably working all day in the Accra (capital of Ghana), anyway, he is sorry and will see me in the morning. he leaves and I say to Adu...only in Ghana and we laugh .

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Men at Sunyani Prison weave kente

the kente  in these stoles is produced in a skilled learning program at the Sunyani Prison so they acquire marketable skills to make a living, there is a discharge program to assist the men to get set up to start their own business

five examples: I only have a few so if you want one, let me know

Monday, May 6, 2019

Count down in full forward mode

leave Ghana next Monday, back in Toronto Tuesday, mmm I guess I will need a sweater and maybe socks by the looks of the weather when I arrive


Friday, May 3, 2019

day of trials

no water, no hydro .... very hot. sweating +++++
all returned by supper and I cooked a big pot so spaghetti, I was very hungry, mmmmm good

Picked up the cover for the drum today, fabric design by Daniel and fabrication by Jemina
looks good, FYI, it is still for sale

Thursday, May 2, 2019

made a boo boo

I saw corn laying on the ground and some chickens pecking away but not able to get any kernels. I thought I would fix that as the corn was as hard a concrete, I will boil the cobs and cut the kernels off for the chickens. Boiled two cobs, cut the kernels off and put the kernels on the ground where I found the cobs. Lady next door came looking for the cobs she put out to dry so she can use them as seeds to plant on her farm. OOOPSY, big mistake, Dean came looking for the cobs and told me their purpose is for seed not food for the chickens. so I gave her the remaining cobs and apologized. 
this evening the water is off which just makes the day a winner  lol