Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Arrived in Accra at 8pm on Wednesday.
I slept on and off all the way from Amsterdam to Accra. being tired does not cover how I felt. Ghana airport has an incredible new building, 4 luggage carousels , staff designated for those who need assistance, live music greeting the incomers, I was told it has been open 2 months, no pictures are allowed in the airports in Africa so will try to find one on line.
Hotel that I booked for tonight did not show so went to one recommended that was close to the airport, all full, but they have a sister hotel so that is where I landed but on the way we stopped at KFC for chix strips and a coke as hunger presented itself
off for a shower and bed

1 comment:

  1. guess we know why the hotel's Whatsapp number wasn't working when you tried to send your picture to them before you left lol
