Sunday, February 16, 2025

Celebrating the Eucharist

 I celebrated the Eucharist with smells and bells todaty. assisted y the Dean and Precentor. I just did the Eucharistic prayer as the remaining service is in local language of which I know one word   AKWAABA - YOU ARE WELCOME.It felt good swinging the thurible. Amen and amen.

Thursday, February 13, 2025


 cconsistancy with hydro delivery is something to be improved. When I say that shortage of electricity rarely happens and when it does, it is a major catastrophy (remember the outasge in July 19?? when we were told to stay  home from work. I went to the cottage, 9 months later we had a baby boom)\

Bad news: Yesterday no hydro from 8am to 6 pm, fixing something in the system,so  no charging of electronics and no fan.

Good news: fridge got defrosted without much work. 

                  Ice in the sink in Ghana, seems on one level as an oxymoron when the temp is 35c

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 This project involves all the women in the diocese and is headed by Bishop;s wife Mother Superior, (wives of priests have a very clear role within the churc, like two staff for the price of one).The project is to build s Spitiritual Centre for prayer. Land was purchased a few years ago. A funny quirk here in Ghana is that you can buy land, get signed  but do not own the trees on the land. Such is the situation with this  project. There are 213 Palm trees on this land that are still owned by the original owner.  He is changing his mind as to the price for the trees to be bought. His price if far about the going rate. 

Anyway, a group of us went to see the land last week.

The tree price is still too high but what I discovered is that the land purchase deal has not been  registered with the government. I gather this is a bit of a process, takes a while and costs money. For me it is essential that the goveenment piece be completed before anything further is done.

The next step is being planned and they will get back to me. Here is what the land looks like now.

                                       rows of palm trees

                                             cluster of fruits on tree

                                                                ready to harvest

                                        Driver, Mother Superior and Chaplain of this ministry.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Painting painting

 The cupboards in the kitchen were paint white a while ago. The paint here is thin and is impossible to  wipe clean. SO I have a varathane type white paint included in the shipment.and today the cupbds were painted. Like when one moves, emptying the cupboard sucks and then waiting to put back  ugh.

I am going to evaluate the stuff  as to what was on the shelves and ditch anything not touched this year. I can use this time to become  a minimalist  with my cupboards.

Stuff on the floor and  paint waiting to harden..

Friday, January 31, 2025


 TGIL lunch

downloaded JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR,  so thought movie, pizza to do for TGIF. Well, the Board Room with the only big screen was busy with a mtg. so pizza in the office was the second choice. (there is no sign up for the room so mtgs take priority as they start early way before lunch). 

Notice the stripe shirt on several staff.. bishop brought them back from USA for all Diocese office staff.  they tend to be worn on Fridays like me wesring traditional cloth every Friday.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


 TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE SHIPMEMT ORDER THAT ARRRIVED THIS WEEK,Monday was like a Merry Xmas.   A table filled with chothing goodies and everyone found some treasures. A big thanks to Renate who gave me several plastic totes that have all found new homes. 

I think that from the Land of Plenty  where many have surplus I am reminded of the inequality.

Every morning I trudge up the hill to the office as I pass a school when a group of kids run out to carry my bags. I have from three to ten helpers. They love it that theu can enter the centre, right down the hall to the office I sit in. I wish them to have a good day and learn lots. I need to remember that I need to learn how to carrry bags when I return to Canada.

                                                                    TODAY'S TROOPS


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Bits and pieces

 I was shopping downtown on Saturday, sitting in the car waiting for Michael to buy some cucunbers I watch a Mom with her babe, maybe 3 months old. She was sitting in what is call a triwheel (used as taxi)

What was remarkable was the way the baby was dressed. Little blue wool hat, sleeper with sleeves and closed feet, sweater all the while wrapped in a blanket, AND THE TEMP WAS 35C.

it is thought the baby should not be exposed to the air on his or her skin or they will fall ill.


Made yam chips, slice really thin, in oil and then topped with salt, I ate all I made. Not Pringles but dam close.  MMMMMMM GOOD

Finally the shipment I sent mid October arrivethd today. Now the distribution begins, which I do not take part in, the guys in the office can handle it. There were a few things that were for me, two gal of white Varathane paint. I am going to paint the kitchen cupboards to get a decent finish as there is no varathane products here and the paint is thin so wears off quickly. 
Pics will follow in a week or two. Thank goodness for a spare bedroom.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Dominic went downtown to get food for lunch, mmmmm good. 

Akraco pounded plantain with spices and fried

                                                            White Beans in tomato sauce



Tuesday, January 21, 2025

a philosophy I was not aware of here.

 Walking  from rhe office to my house I saw a new looking pachage in a bush, just sitting there. 

I asked                         'why did he not pick is up to keep it' . 

Dominic responed         'they could be coming back to get it'  

I said                                 'you think that would be stealing it" 

Dom                                 " they could have put a spell on it that would transfer to him"  

I said                                ' what about the man who stole my phone off my dresser in the night'

Dom                                ' well there would not be a spell'

Think about what was just said above. There seems to be a layer of suspect within the community that is held, I hunch by many, that evil spirits exist and are dangerous and can be activate by people. I will talk more tomorrow in the office to explore more what this really means and what it controls.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

wow potatos

 hardly can  rein in my enthusiam. First onees (since I arrived in November)

first I remembered potato salad, McD french fries (the best) mashed, fried etc

today for lunchpotato salad

Maybe you dont want to know what I am eating but just appreciate that what is common in every grocery store is a rarity so a treat here
I get struck when I return to Canada the abundance and many choices we have when we shop. It is almost too much to bear. The same reason I can not eat at Mandarin Restaunt, too much too much.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

A great man celebrated

 I watched the state funeral of Jummy Carter, the 39 USA President. All the pomp and circumstance that is expected. It brought me back down memory lane to a visit to a friend in Tallahassee Florida, Beverley Booth, a doctor that I met in India in 1990 (that's another story)

Anyway she took me one weekend to Plains Georgia with intent of worshipping with Pres. Jimmy Carter and wife on Sunday. What a blessing!

Getting into the church was a process  through security: no bags, show id (passport), once you enter there is no out and in again. We were all seated by 10 am for a service at 11 am.

One of the Church Elders I am sure,  came and gave the program of how to be during church service and with the President. I am sure she ran a platoon in her other life and you would not have wanted to cross her for a minute. She said that there were 30 in the congregation every week along with 200 guests.

About 1015 Jimmy comes out and teaches a Sunday School class. I can not remember a word he said but I was some impressed with his theology. 

About 1050 he goes back and get his first lady Rosalynn, and they sit a few rows back across the aisle from Bev and I.

Here is a collection plate that Jimmy made for the church in his woodshop.

There was a procedure if you wanted a pic with the pair. You can not touch them or speak to them, it was like lining up for Santa with no conversation and no sitting on his knee.

We were told about a cafeteria next door that Jimmy had built for retired cafeteria workers to staff. Of course we had to go for lunch.

it is called THE CAFETERIA, original sorta.

Staff were very friendly serving traditional southern foods. I asked for something that resembled spinach, tasted very bitter. I did not finish it.ugh

What a visit. It made the funeral service much more meaningful and relevent to the eulogies. I felt like I knew the man a little bit.

Bev wemt to Plains to see the leaving of the casket for the Capital.

A humble man on to his life eternal. 

May he rest in peace and rise in glory!


Saturday, January 4, 2025


 Bishop organized a retreat with a speaker for priests and their spouses (all women as there are no women priests except me in this diocese). I realize how the language and references change when women priests are added to the mix.

Speaker was The Very Rev. Dr. Joseph Osei, Was a lecturer, dean of cathedral in Kumasi amongst other positions. A very engaging presenter.  


While he was busy with the priests, His topic was leadership. While he was busy with the priests his wife was leading sessions with the clergy wives. There is a very clear expectation that the wives participate in all church matters. Babies under one year were brought along to the retreat. Wives did the cooking with some help from the Bishop's staff. Another instance when I realize spouses in Canada, cooking for the retreat ???? Toto, we are not in Kansas any more.  

I got to meet Solomon, 5 months next week and an absolute delight. Still too young to react to my colour. a little older and they recognize I am very different and then scream++++. 

 me  and 
 Solomon's Daddy, Rev. Christian Gorman (who took care of me so I did not trip on the uneven stones)

me going with the flow, eating fufu and fish for lunch
can't find pic that I saved will get help in office on Monday

Retreats here have lots of prayer time, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, with everyone standing, walking back and forth, and mumbling or talking their prayers out loud, it becomes like a din of noise in the room.

Retreat was very good for me. I wonder though for the priest who are in parishes had just been through Xmas week along with New Years celebrations and then attend these days to be able to grasp anything from the retreat. (here  there is no option to not attend). So they soldier through, amazingly, fully participating, I am really impressed.