Friday, September 10, 2021


 So the process has started, after 17 months in a row being in lock down, gradual opening, fostering cats for the PINK Rescue (cats are from Cairo Egypt), knitting socks for the homeless and the girls across the hall, taking a course to learn more about Islam, stripped paint off an old discarded dresser to repaint red for a bedroom at the cottage, I forgot, moved into a coop in downtown Hamilton summer 2020, did virtual walks across Canada, the Camion do Santiago, now on the Cabot Trail, (I started walking because I wanted to be able to walk a dog, sadly found that my age is a barrier in most recues so, no dog for me), I have a cat, KOFI (means Friday born in Twi, as I was born on a Friday), he is a piece of work as I can not pick him up to put him in a carrier  so he has been at the cottage since mid May and when I needed to go to the city, he stays and I return quickly, ?? who runs my life, eh! Not collecting and shipping stuff this year as until I get on the plane, I am unsure about whether it will happen, (this virus and its fall out can create the most unpredictable consequences that could be imagined),  My tickets dates as of today are leaving November 3, 2021 and returning after Easter, leaving Ghana April 23 and back in TO the 24th, 2022.  Will talk soon if, when plans get confirmed or not,   ugh
