Monday, January 19, 2015

Discharged thank goodness

I feel great and can wear a bra again. :):):)
Dr. Leven (pronounced Levene without the "e" ) said good bye and I go back for a check up in 6 months, on my birthday to be exact.
Well, its been an interesting journey, I learned things that were not on my list to know, meet some really great health care workers, BUT it did happen.
Thanks to everyone who gave support, phone calls, emails and things I have forgotten.
I hope to go to Ghana end of February for three months but it still depends on how I feel....
until then.....

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


So the last day has arrived, finished this radiation chapter of treatment.
Told it will take two weeks for things to start getting back to the 'new' normal,
pics today just show the Big Machine

As I mentions before, I have been adding a charm to a bracelet for every treatment that I had.
# 21 today
ta ta 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Epiphany and #20 down...1 to go

Can you believe it, I got my schedule and it is blank for next week  Yipeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
I took a picture of the BIG machine in Unit 8 where my treatment has happened.
If you look closely I think there are Orbs (?spirits perhaps, who are supporting others as they walk the same path,) you may think it is reflection but it looks like Orbs to me, I will take a couple tomorrow to see what is there.

Monday, January 5, 2015

#19 down .... 2 to go

WELL,  almost done. let me say....  I will not be upset when it is over. Saw Doc today and whined a bit about the burning sensation of the skin. Normal was the answer, I just love being normal even if it actually sucks from the inside.  After radiation treatment to see doc in two weeks.
going to see a movie Wednesday PM to celebrate THE END of this chapter.

Friday, January 2, 2015

#18 down .... 3 to go

I learned today that the second direction that I am now receiving has a smaller scope with more focus on where the actual tumor was. Also, before the treatment they overlay the original ultrasound  on top of the image of the machine set each day, so they radiate the exact same spot every time.
Neat science eh!