Wednesday, December 31, 2014

OLD YEAR ENDS.... NEW YEAR BEGINS ... MMMM...what will be up in the next 12 months? 17 down...4 to go

Different direction of the radiation today, a little longer as well, I could feel the results of the rays pain but a sparkly feeling and it has been off and on all day ???? I guess its normal, will ask doc on Monday (will let you know)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

#16 done......5 to go

Today ended my first radiation direction, my chest looks like a  bright red sunburn in the shape of a square (it is amazing how the techs line my tattoos up to the machine everyday so the radiation is on the same place every time, pretty neat if I do say so myself) I guess everyone needs a tanned square on their chest for decoration,    lol,    burn feels hot, saw doc today and got ointment PROSHIELD PLUS to sooth the skin, ointment on but not feel much better yet, hopefully soon  ......

Monday, December 29, 2014

#15 done.....6 to go

Well the end is in sight.
Originally the surgeon said that normally one has 16 radiation treatments but the radiation oncologist felt 5 more from the side were in order as the surgically removed specimen was in two pieces making it difficult to determine where the clean outer edge was. Wednesday I will start the new direction for 5 treatments.
TV, reading and knitting are my best friends keeping me sorta occupied

Sunday, December 28, 2014

#14 DOWN....7 TO GO

Went to London to see grandson and his parents yesterday, great visit,
no traffic on Sunday when going to the hospital, the staff said they volunteered to work today so I hope they get a get nice treat.
early appt. tomorrow, gee ....   surprise, surprise, do not do the happy dance before noon

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

#13 down .... 8 to go

well here it is xmas eve, a different xmas season for sure.
Had measurements taken today for the last 6 treatments as they will directed from the side
The radiation equipment is beyond imagination: the top of the table moves from side to side and the whole piece can move in a circle (not so good for me as I have motion sickness at the best of times, they were kind as they did not want me to barf).
I wish everyone a peaceful Xmas. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

#12 down....9 to go

Feel great today! maybe I am overcoming the 'being tired' business
Great weather but crazy temps . I was told about the snow storm last xmas while I was sitting in front of a fan with temp of 35c ....  I miss the sun and warmth and I have to dress with many layers .... such a hard life

Monday, December 22, 2014

Hump Day, #11 down and 10 to go

saw doc, little rash and a very small blister on the burn spot, and being a little tired continues but it is all part of the package I am told. got Rx of cortisone cream

thank goodness that I have not seen TV for the last few years so nothing is a rerun for me   lol
Knitting a new pattern for 'sucky' socks (socks that you put on when life sucks
and you want to have a long rest and drink of ? sort)

Friday, December 19, 2014

#9 and #10...... now 11 to go

After #9 I go out for dinner last night, felt great!
After #10 today I felt like I had the flu... aching joints, queasy stomach, came home and slept for 2 hours. I think this is the effects of radiation, my skin has an area looking like sunburn and a little uncomfortable, techy commented that it was from the treatment  OH HUM ....  what can I say
Thank goodness I have the weekend to rest up for # 11.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday #8 down and 13 to go

Had a stoppage on the Bloor Subway coming home, a personnel injury of some sort was reported so trains between St. George and Lansdowne were replaced with buses for a while
created ++ havoc at St. George stn. but eventually the train came and things got back to order
I would imagine that when the trains are down the chaos must be beyond my imagination, we rely on  our modern way of living and I wonder how many people could function and survive without it. ????
a big question in my mind

Its Tuesday do you know where you treatment is? YES ... 7 down.... 14 to go

Well the journey continues, riding the subway, wait to be called in, get the gown on, lay for the maybe 6 or 7 minute treatment, get gown off and in the laundry hamper, get back on transit whether the subway along Bloor or the streetcar along College and Dundas, catch the Greenwood north bus and then home.

Monday, December 15, 2014

#6 down....15 to go

warm weather of what compared to the recent snow storm, hard to figure out which coat to wear.
Saw Radiology oncologist Dr. Leven (pronounced Levene with out the ,e,) today, nice man, says things are going as planned, I have a little ache which he says can be from the lymphatic system not working to well for the breast, so some massage around the waist stimulate that system to drain so I do what he says and the ache should go away.
bought some brown minute rice which takes 10 minutes to cook, I think I remember stuff that was ready in a minute or two BUT maybe I remember incorrectly  ???????

Friday, December 12, 2014

#5 down....16 to go

No added snow and nice temp made outside a pleasure
I have started a Pandora Bracelet which will end up with 21 charms for my 21 treatments. It is a treat for me on the way home from the hospital.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

#4.....17 to go

Slept last night so maybe the insomnia was a fluke.

the drill is the same but the snow puts a different wrinkle in the transport system.
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...
I heard that tomorrow will be the same..... oh hum

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

#3...18 to go

did a bit of run around this am with the assistance of Mary Ellen driving since Tanya has the car.
Realizing that if I arrive for my appt. early there is a good chance to get taken early so I was 2 hours early and was out, done within 3/4 of an hour. It may not always be like this but I can read at PMH just as easy at home (a little game I am playing with the appt. clock)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#2 .... #19 to go

Monday was the same drill as Friday, there are juice and cookies on the coffee table in the waiting room... very nice to have a drink available, there is a basket on the bookcase with knitting on the go for one to add a few rows to
Monday night not sleep well and had not on Friday night as well,, of course in my waking night hours I googled side effects of radiation and guess what !!!!!!! insomnia in the beginning, who would have thought. I had today off  with have treatments Wed, Thurs and Friday, I sure hope I get sleep before the weekend
I forgot my grandmother duties, Ben turned 6 last Saturday
ta ta

Friday, December 5, 2014


sign in and wait to be called, thank goodness for my Kobo to keep me occupied, change and lay down, my tattoos are the markers to set up the machine, maybe 7-8 minutes and its all over,  no pain, just need to lay still, dress and leave. more time spent travelling and setting up, than the actual treatment, only 20 to go........

Thursday, December 4, 2014


@PMH got measured and tattooed (for the first time, I asked for purple but only they only had blue, oh well.. ) as set up for the radiation treatments that begin tomorrow. This insures consistency  and accuracy for each treatment.  Daily trips on the TTC .... goodie I can't wait.....
Benjamin turns 6 on Saturday so a Birthday Party will be the order of that day.
hopefully snow and rain can wait til Sunday