Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Travel plans can be easily rerouted and changed as I have found out. The plane ticket indicated that I was leaving for Ghana on October 21st but the Mammogram indicated that my health care needed to be dealt with first.
A positive mammogram, more films, ultrasound, biopsies resulting in a pathology report that required intervention at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). The lump is very small (end of my little finger) thank God for mammograms as it cannot be felt. please note all who have skipped their mammogram this year or last.
Yesterday I met the surgeon, Dr. McCready and the Breast Clinic Team at PMH.
Discussion resulted in a plan being a lumpectomy to remove cancerous lump and a few lymph nodes in the arm pit, two weeks later discussing pathology results and probably radiation for three weeks. I hope it is completed by Christmas and maybe Ghana in January.
I feel well and am quite optimistic that this is merely a trip around a block that I am not designing, not being thrown under the bus. I just don’t have to like everything that life throws in front of me. I live surrounded by family, friends and a great health care system (no matter how many complaints I hear) that ensures that this journey will be just that, a trip with a beginning, a middle and an end and then, back to my regular life whatever that is or will be.
I will blog as this journey proceeds rather than send to all interested parties, an individual email. Prayers and wishes gratefully needed.