Friday, June 14, 2024

Return plans have started

 bought out of country insurance, a very large bite from the pocket book, the price of doing this 

I am collecting used phone, not locked, used computers to distribute, 

call me as I can pick them up. 416 795 3575

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cold cold cold

 I had a good trip back, cold weather required socks and a sweater. Quite tired so resting. Great time in Ghana, projects were very helpful, so now back to life in the modern world reminding me of how blessed I am to be living in Canada. Thanks for your interest and support. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Bags are packed, ready to go.....

 Bishop has offered his car and driver to take me to Accra and then on to the airport tomorrow, much more comfortable driving for me than the night bus ;) So leaving here at 8am tomorrow, plane leaves at 10pm..... Arrive Toronto Wednesday afternoon

I was going to be without sufficient food so ordered a pizza at the office, took a couple of pieces and the rest was devoured by the guys. they all thought it was a wonderful lunch.

the stole you see on the top of the hockey bag was a gift from Bishop this am, It is so beautiful and I am bringing back to hopefully use this summer somehow  

Thursday, April 11, 2024

It is ending...

I just finished my sermon for this Sunday, my last message before I leave on Monday evening for Canada. the 8 hour bus to Accra, hotel for day on Tuesday and Tuesday evening fly to Brussels, then a hop to Montreal Wednesday am, then a little hop to land in Toronto on  Wednesday afternoon. I have this extra stop in Montreal to save $500,00. I have concluded this was not a good decision as Brussel Air is not KLM, but slowly I learn.


guess I should get excited about food on the plane   noooooooo

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A very nice thank you

 Today the Anglican school next door got a new fence around the playground with a gate painted red and white to match the Canadian flag. Dignitaries from the District of Education, PTA, and thanks from the teachers and one student who had a very well rehearsed speech(very well done). I was given flowers (all flowers here are silk or plastic as real ones with wilt before you get get them out of the store). All the students were in attendance. Then we walked around to see gate and the fence and the building with fresh paint. Very lovely time and totally unexpected. 

Kids at the gate in red and white

Salome is standing next to me in traditional dress, she presented me flowers when I first entered. I was presented a Citation which is a popular way of showing appreciation 

kids kids kids


Monday, April 8, 2024

Sunday am - a time for surprises

 the post script to the service was a session on CPR. A few weeks ago I wrote about a baby not responding and then he went to hospital and was fine. It brought up the conversation with the Dean about knowing CPR. I found a flyer " a easy way to remember CPR, had a few made including plasticized ones to be posted. so yesterday was the session with strong encouragement from the Dean to stay and listen. It was well received, the translator had them laughing so I have not idea what he was saying but it kept everyone involved.  

In front of the altar on the floor with a server as the patient.

continuing with the respirations

I found a flyer on line and had copies made, 
that will be at every doorway to remind  folks

I guess once a nurse always a nurse.

Thursday, April 4, 2024


How many kids does it take to carry my bags to the office?  One to carry the briefcase, one to carry my purse, one to hold the door open, two to hold my hands, one to show me her blue nail polish and the rest to burst into the office to announce  our arrival!